About Simran

My journey…has been far from easy and laid back. I hail from a traditional north Indian business family, where good food, late nights and fun were priorities to a happy life. Fitness and healthy eating were alien to us until one unfortunate day when I lost my dad to a massive heart attack. I was just 23 and my dad was a young 52.

This was a huge setback to the entire family as we never anticipated anything so drastic to happen. Many tears, fears and thoughts finally got me on the path to analysing the causes that led to such an early death. What was to blame? Food? Lack of exercise? Lack of knowledge of the right nutrients?

Over the years – I realised it came down to all of it and much more. Incorrect balance of nutritional elements, lack of movement, a sedentary lifestyle, overeating, eating at inhuman hours, skipping meals, not enough sleep – all of it seemed wrong – majorly questionable. Unfortunately, Dad was the victim – but he left us an open path to explore…Realizations that opened new doors to adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Unfortunately, we paid a very heavy price to understand the significance of a good lifestyle. For me and for almost all my family – Life took a U-turn.

As if this was not enough, a few years later I met with a near-fatal road accident. However, I almost lost my right leg and the ability to walk. Doctors, who performed the surgery, broke the news to me that I may never walk again.

As I regained sense – I decided nothing was going to stop me in my quest towards a healthy lifestyle. So whilst food and lifestyle was on my mind – this accident called for emotional and mental strength as well!

Oh well – bring it on!

I did not lose hope. I did not let negativity cross my mind. I challenged the doctors who said I needed more surgeries to improve. I decided to avoid the surgeries and instead go for intensive physiotherapy. My physiotherapist, who understood and believed in my strengths assured me against the surgeries and challenged me to use will-power, healthy foods and lifestyle to recover.

I went through excruciating pain as I chose for the adhesions to be manually broken.

I saw little to no result in 2 months. But I persisted. I was determined to walk normally once again and that vision kept me going. Not once did I let go of the vision.

And then began the longest 18 months of my life.

A health, weight-loss, and lifestyle coach. Co-founder of The Life Experts, a Master coach with the Academy for Coaches and a certified Integrative Health and Lifestyle coach under the mentorship of Luke Coutinho (a globally renowned Holistic Lifestyle Coach in the field of integrative medicine)

My Journey

The adhesions were broken 9 times causing unbearable pain followed by massive swelling and fever for days on end. Every 10 days, I would be ready for the next course of pain and torture. Each time that I underwent immense physical pain, I recovered a little. Every round I was regaining mobility of my joint and my hopes started soaring. I started believing in the proverb that every cloud has a silver lining.

Coupled with the right nutrients, healthy eating habits, daily affirmations and emotional strengthening tools, I was on the path to a slow and steady recovery.

18 months late, I got back almost 80 % of my joint mobility and could not only stand and walk, but also squat on the floor.

One fine day without any support I walked into the doctor’s clinic. He was shocked beyond words. My case story became a study of willpower and inspiration for many of his patients.

One mountain scaled – I started focusing more on fitness and good health with balanced and healthy eating. I researched and explored with every ounce of my being – it became a relentless passion. The endless support of my family and loved ones made this difficult journey bearable and was instrumental in my recovery.

I then realized that there were thousands out there who could actually recover completely only by using their will power and guidance on nutrition and lifestyle.

I wanted to reach out to these people, who were unable to take on the challenges and for whom time had stood still.I now made a firm decision to integrate all my learnings, make huge lifestyle changes so no family need go through what I did – only because of lack of knowledge or necessary support.

My journey was through treacherous mountain pathways but need not be for others.

So here I am, fighting challenges, obstacles and making myself stronger, being positive and letting no negativity affect me on a daily basis.

For those who think giving up is easy or live in that compromised state, let me tell you – we have just one life to live and if you don’t challenge yourself, no one else is going to do it for you – no, not even your parents.

It is only you who can change your life and make it more fulfilling, more rewarding.

When faced with difficulties, giving up is easy but fighting and living through to win over challenges, leaves you a winner for life.

Be an inspiration and leave a strong legacy behind.

If this has resonated, connect with me. Let’s have a chat!

Certificate and Recognition

ICF Certified (International Coach Federation)

Diploma in Health & Integrative Lifestyle 

LSI Certified in Integrative Health & Lifestyle


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