Introduction to The Life Experts
At The Life Experts we focus on establishing connection and credibility early on and we do this with focused engagement and a passionate vision which is outcome oriented.
Whether it is saving your relationship headed for disaster, supporting you manage your ADHD condition better or optimizing your health and lifestyle through simple and uncomplicated methods – the solutions are all available under one roof through our unique and proven step-by-step process.
We bring years of training, experience, compassion and positive results into our coaching sessions, having worked with hundreds of clients across the globe.
We help you position smart tools and techniques in place so you can manifest your highest potential and impact your life in a much bigger way. Why? Because we believe your mission deserves a bigger platform and you’re meant to change the world.
What Challenges are you facing right now?
- Behaviour problems?
- Learning disorder?
- Feeling Anxious ?
- Suffering from Depression?
- Peer problems?
- Inability to focus or prioritise?
- Trouble listening?
- Poor time management?
- Forgetful?
- Afraid of losing your partner?
- Not spoken with each other for days/weeks?
- Little ones at home witness to the silent toxicity?
- Children walking on egg-shells not knowing when the next land-mine might explode?
- Fear of another in the relationship?
- Sleepless nights feeling stressed and exhausted?
- Feeling trapped in the relationship?
- Contemplating an exit plan?
- Given every diet program a try and yet frustrated with the results you are getting?
- Tired, overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, addicted to sugar cravings?
- Don’t like the way you look and feel anymore?
- Exercising the last thing on your mind?
- Poor relationship with food and nutrition?
- Overweight and suffering from reversible lifestyle diseases?
Explore ADHD
Whilst many people hesitate to talk about mental health, a diagnosis is not a life sentence. These conditions exist, and will continue to exist, whether we choose to name them or not.
A.D.H.D is one of the most common neurodevelopment disorders of childhood and can persist into adulthood. Executive function often is generally impaired when individuals have ADHD. This affects their ability to organize, plan, and manage thoughts and actions.
It’s time for us to stop viewing diagnosis as a closed door. Let’s look at it as a series of doors we must travel through, each one opening up a realm of possibilities that we hadn’t previously envisioned. And once you’re brave enough to step across the threshold, you’ll no longer find yourself alone in the dark, but in a room full of new friends who’ve been there and understand.
ADHD isn’t always a walk in the park. But people with ADHD can push past setbacks, adapt to new strategies, and troubleshoot solutions to complex problems.
Let us support you with a structured environment, help you understand how the disorder affects behaviour and learning, and consistent action plans. Hit the ‘Explore’ button – reach out and help us help you!
Explore Relationships
Many people assume toxic relationships are doomed, but that isn’t always the case.The deciding factor? Both partners must want to change else little likelihood that change will occur.
All relationships go through make it or break it moments, but healthy relationships recover. They get closer and more resilient.
Our unique 3 shift strategy – Evaluate, Embrace and Evolve takes into account the current mindset, values and beliefs and identifying underlying patterns and triggers.Awareness leads to obliterating them which then exposes you to Embrace new relationship skills, recovering your respect and self-esteem and restoring your spirit.
Active listening is an art and our clients experience its power optimally within a safe, comfortable and non-judgmental space.
We support in creating new behaviours and patterns that reinvigorate your relationship. Working with individuals or couples we help uncover the ‘real’ challenges and find strategies to reconnect relationships.
Only you can decide whether to stay back or leave. Sometimes, the bravest, most difficult and most life-changing moments lie in not what we do, but in what we stop doing!
Explore Health & Lifestyle
You are not alone.
Lifestyle diseases are today at an all-time high.
One in three Indians over 30 years of age are suffering from one or more lifestyle related diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid and cancer, a report has revealed.
However, the good news related to lifestyle diseases is that they are reversible and could be prevented from causing hazardous damage to the overall health.
At The Life Experts we fill a very unique, specialized role as health and lifestyle coaches. We do not prescribe, diagnose, analyze, or treat. Rather, we work closely with you to clarify your health and wellness goals, create actionable steps to achieve those goals, and facilitate permanent mindset shifts and behavior changes so you can master healthy habits that serve you for life.
We offer one-on-one interaction with a trained and experienced health expert who has successfully worked with several clients in areas like health, weight-loss and wellness.
We examine pre-existing negative habits and replace with new, positive ones, utilize accountability and help set achievable goals so you stay on track, reverse unhealthy eating habits
Our passionate mission is to create a meaningful impact on your life by focusing on your specific wellness niche of interest.

Client Success Stories
Daman isn't only a coach but a mother. She helped me regain my self esteem and regain balance during low times especially when it felt like there was no one. I wouldn't have asked for anything better than the listening ears even when dealing with anxiety. Thanks Daman.
— Afolake Baiyewu
There are of course, many wonderful coaches that we come across in our personal and work life. However, Daman belongs to a very special subset amongst these - the rare and magical coaches. She is an extremely able and competent coach who goes beyond the usual sessions of coaching. She delves deep into the concerns and makes you feel comfortable in every possible way. Her intellect and knowledge in the field is something you wouldn’t miss noticing in her sessions.I greatly recommend her to anyone facing challenges in work or personal life. Her sessions are effortless and extremely enlightening and powerful. She works with the sole purpose towards achieving progress for her clients.
— Shailja Sharma
I have known Daman Philip for many years, both as a work colleague and a friend. From a work perspective Daman is highly competent, a top performer who always delivered what she promised, consistently and with integrity. From a Values perspective, Daman is honest, hard-working and humble - a person with a positive mindset who addresses challenges directly with practical solutions. Always relevant, and perhaps most of all, Daman cares and cares deeply about her fellow man and woman. I could not recommend Daman more highly, especially in her current role.
— Anthony Macrae
The sessions with Ms. Daman are outcome-driven based on my current challenges - She has motivated me enough to be independent and confident in all my decisions. My doubts are cleared so am able to make productive decisions for my life. Patient listening and opening my mind to alternatives was immensely valuable.Thank you!
Daman gets my highest recommendation as a deeply passionate coach who will stand firmly by you much beyond the coaching sessions. Daman has taught me to trust my inner compass and engineer real and lasting change in life.
— Dharmesh Prajapati
“I was a little hesitant at first to speak with a coach. But a few first minutes with Daman, I was put at immediate ease and was convinced that she was the one who I could be my authentic and vulnerable self with. In the months that followed, not only did she help put my concerns into perspective but was very supportive and understanding of my challenges. Always willing to support, even at odd hours was endearing. She motivated me to overcome my insecurities through her own experiences helping me move towards a more empowering life. I cannot thank you enough Daman di for not only being there for me through the challenging period but for embracing me without any judgement. I will remain ever connected with you.”
— N Bhatia, Delhi
Daman is a very insightful practitioner and provided us with honest and courteous advice. I would highly recommend her services in Relationship Coaching
— Simon Duraid Linardi – Melbourne, Australia
What makes Simran extraordinary is that she practices what she preaches. Her constant endeavour to explore helps her come up with less known idea and rituals that would uplift one & health and lifestyle. She is authentic, generous and fully-committed to her cause.
— Vivek Singh
Simran is a very authentic person and an excellent coach. it is her mission to help people get healthier and fitter in life. I have witnessed her coaching and it is simple yet powerful, leading to a complete change in one & lifestyle. Simran is a master coach I would surely recommend her to anyone who wishes to transform themselves into a healthier lifestyle. I wish her great success for the future Simran is a very authentic person and an excellent coach. It is her mission to help people get healthier and fitter in life. I have witnessed her coaching and it is simple yet powerful, leading to a complete change in one & lifestyle. Simran is a master coach I would surely recommend her to anyone who wishes to transform themselves into a healthier lifestyle. I wish her great success for the future.
— Zarir Shroff
I always found in Simran a genuine person who wants to add value and contribute in the lives of people. For me that's a hallmark of a coach. She is an empathetic leader cum coach who is able to get the best out of his coaches without being judgemental or pushy. I would say that & her signature or unique style. If you are looking for a health coach, I definitely would recommend Simran. I always found in Simran a genuine person who wants to add value and contribute in the lives of people. For me that & a hallmark of a coach. She is an empathetic leader cum coach who is able to get the best out of his coaches without being judgemental or pushy. I would say that & her signature or unique style. If you are looking for a health coach, I definitely would recommend Simran.
— Vikram Pandit
Simran is a wonderful life coach. She is so diligent and attentive to her clients’ needs all the time. I love that she would not let anyone drop off their health journey and does anything in her power to keep one motivated. Her life itself is a great inspiration to understand why she is so motivated and determined to make a change in others lives. If you are seeking a life coach, look no further and let Simran lead you in the life style changes you may want to make.
— Rashi Bajaj
It's a pleasure to recommend Simran as a health and fitness coach of the highest esteem. Her ability to design the right road map to your goals then hold your hand every step of the way is unparalleled. Highly recommended!
— Ash Playsted
I've had good fortune to work very closely with Simran for many years now and she is one of the most genuine, kind and caring people you will ever meet. She has all the natural qualities of an exceptional coach and she also has the competence and skills to help her coaching clients experience transformational results in their lives. I have observed her coaching and anyone who has her as a coach will definitely get tremendous benefits and results. If you are looking for a coach who can help you with your health and having a more fulfilling life, I highly recommend her. Go for it, it will transform your health and your life.
— Brajmohandas
Simran applies a very pragmatic approach towards physical well being which is also connected to mental well being. She believes in delivering desired results by giving effective, doable and long term solutions. I recommend and wish her all the very best.
— Thampi Mathur